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Job Tasks

My job consists of analyzing credit, sourcing loans, and organizing files. I sit in my own cubicle that is connected to coworkers that are doing similar tasks.

IB Math SL

IB Math SL is a two-year course that teaches various math standards. It has given me a glimpse of different mathematical areas and made it easier to learn new math topics. This course is taught at a fast pace and shown me that I really enjoy math and would not mind a career that involved it.

Allied Health and Medicine Pathway

This pathway consisted of three different healthcare classes. Within the pathway I was taught anatomy, medical terms, different careers, and soft skills. The Allied Health and Medicine pathway introduced me to healthcare and showed me that I do have an interest for healthcare. 

Honors Work-Based Learning

Honors WBL has given me the opportunity to gain real life experience in the business field. I work as a credit analyst for boat loans which involves lots of financing and organization. Each day consists of new deals while still keeping up with previous deals. I have to follow a deal all the way through, meaning I work with it from the beginning stages to the end.

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Personal Project:

Operation holiday

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